What we do

I Have Rights (IHR) is a non-profit legal and political organisation providing access to individualised legal information and support to people on the move, including people seeking asylum, refugees, and migrants on Samos, Greece. We communicate openly about the situation on Samos while also advocating for the change of policies and practices that are responsible for human rights violations on Samos and in Europe. Our organisation addresses present-day unfair and undignified asylum and migration procedures by working to ensure the right to asylum, eliminate pushbacks, and fight against all detention of migrants and refugees.

To learn more about our work, read our 2024 Annual Report.

Access to asylum

We advocate for the right to claim asylum, a fair asylum procedure and independent legal support. We condemn the externalisation of border control and the practice of pushbacks that prevent the right to asylum from being respected.


We advocate for the closure of camps and the integration of people into society with dignified housing. We condemn all the forms of detention of asylum seekers, migrants and refugees in isolated infrastructures where people are submitted to a security apparatus.


We advocate for safe routes for people to claim asylum. We see the illegal practice of pushbacks and the use of violence as a tool of border enforcement. Criminalisation is also part of the deterrence policy to prevent people from seeking safety in Europe.

Learn more about our work

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I Have Rights in the media

  • August 4th, 2023: The Ecologist, Climate refugees are welcome
  • April 20th, 2023: Infomigrants, La CEDH condamne la Grèce pour le mauvais accueil d’une demandeuse d’asile à Samos en 2019.
  • April 12th, 2023: ESFYN, Dimitris Angelidis, Καταδίκη της Ελλάδας για τη μεταχείριση εγκύου προσφύγισσας
  • March 3rd, 2023: ECRE, Greece: Further “Fortification” of Borders and More Vessels for Hellenic Coast Guard as Situation for Refugees in Türkiye Worsens Following Earthquakes, Series of Reports on Systematic Detention and Abuse.
  • February 23rd, 2023: openDemocracy, Melissa Pawson, ‘It was hell’: asylum seekers and NGOs allege abuse in Greek detention.
  • February 20th, 2023: Social Europe, Gemma Bird, You mean the prison?’: displaced people on Samos

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